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Do you love the planet as much as we do?


PantherVac not only helps out with vital infrastructure and excavating needs for our cities and industries but with our non destructive excavation suite of techniques its also a safer alternative for Earth.

PantherVac Energy Services follows ISO 140001 Environmental Management Standards 

Our Environmental policy establishes our commitment to the protection and responsible management of natural resources. This commitment is critical to maintaining the quality of life enjoyed in areas which we serve, the overall environment and PantherVac Energy's long term business success.

Key Elements 

  1. Accountability 

  2. Stewardship

  3. Standards

  4. Performance

  5. Communication


Leadership is accountable for systematically managing environmental risks, opportunities and impacts as an integral part of our business. Employees are accountable for understanding and incorporating environmental responsibilities into their daily work activities. 


PantherVac Energy Services will use natural resources and energy efficiently to reduce waste and emissions at their source. We will strive to improve operations wit a focus on preventing environmental incidents and preserving public safety. 


PantherVac Energy Services will comply with our environmental policy, industry standards, and all applicable laws and regulations. 


We will set challenging goals and assess performance to continually improve environmental results that contribute to business success. We will work collaboratively with our suppliers and subcontractors to enhance environmental performance 


PantherVac will foster open dialogue and informed decision making through meaningful and regular communication of environmental information with management, employees and the public. 

Specifically PantherVac Energy Services commits to:

  • Promote the use of environmentally friendly products and identify community environmental concerns 

  • Promote pollution prevention and conservation of resources

  • Develop response plans for any environmental incidents 

  • Continue to attain knowledge of environmental issues and concerns 

  • Participate with industry regulators and clients in developing stronger environmental standards and practices. 

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